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Википеэди:Good article nominations

Сүлөөтэ Нэбтэрхы Толи — Википеэдиһээ


Welcome to this page! Here you can offer any article for classification as a good.

Make a request for the status of good

[үндэһэн бэшэгые заһабарилха]


Please change the «Name of the page» after «/» to the name of the page you suggested:
Нэрэ Nominator Status of the request Summed up by Date of the election
Жибэн Губин Михаил ✔ status is assigned Губин Михаил 9 September 2012
Буряад Орон Губин Михаил ✔ status is assigned Губин Михаил 9 October 2012
Буряад-Монгол ороной түүхэ WikiUserFS (−) status is not assigned Губин Михаил 10 December 2012