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Хэрэглэгшые хэлэлсэхэ:Tsebeen

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Сүлөөтэ Нэбтэрхы Толи — Википеэдиһээ

Hello! I'm sorry to write in english, but I need a translation of this anthem to buryat. Can you make it to me, when you get free time, please? Thank you very much! Matheus-psj 00:27, 2 July 2007 (UTC)

It's usual spam, I tnink. Маартын Нагаса 13:11, 4 July 2007 (UTC)

It's not spam! I know that spammers are very common here, but I'm only a guy needing translations of a parody of the soviet anthem to other languages of Russia and of the rest of the old-USSR. --Matheus-psj 17:33, 3 July 2007 (UTC)
Matheus-psj is right, we are neither vandals nor spammers. We are just politely requesting for translation help. --Jose77 22:28, 3 July 2007 (UTC)
You should not politely request; you should request respectfully. I suppose that these missionary text and anti-communist, anti-Soviet, anti-Russian "song" are not necessary for Wikipedia. It is not encyclopædic knowledge. Маартын Нагаса 13:11, 4 July 2007 (UTC)
There are much things with "not encyclopædic knowledge" in english wiki, in spanish wiki, in portuguese wiki, in all wikis! Why our texts don't have space here? Please, you UncleMartin and Tsebeen are the two olny guys in internet that can speak the buryat language! It's not certain, but probably I'm right. If you don't want to translate, ok, i'll understand, but olny five minutes, you can help us in five minutes! This is the purpouse of wikipedia, people helping each other! I need help from you, perhaps in the future you need my help! Nobody knows, but this can happen. And if yes, I'll help you the best form I could. But please, help us, we need help from you now! --Matheus-psj 19:03, 4 July 2007 (UTC)
1. Yep. There are a lot of unnecessary information in English Wikipedia, Russian Wikipedia, in all Wikipedias.
2. I tnink there are much more guys in Internet who can speak Buryat. :)))) You should look for them if you need.
3. I would be glad to help you, but such texts are intolerable. I don't want to translate it. If Tsebeen want to, let him; if you want to translate, translate yourself. You already have this text in Khalkha-Mongolian, it's closely related to Buryat. And it is my last word. Маартын Нагаса 14:40, 5 July 2007 (UTC)
Thanks for resisting this canvassing attempts. Indeed, I've seen them pursuing their campaign on almost any small Wiki that I visited and I feel that this is a major annoyance which should not be tolerated, just as the "Kurów" spam (a Polish guy who spams articles about his village of 3,000 inhabitants to not only every small wiki but even has molested contributors to test projects in the incubator wiki with his idea. I feel such spammers should be globally banned. --Johannes Rohr 09:49, 27 July 2007 (UTC)
Thank you! Маартын Нагаса 12:34, 3 August 2007 (UTC)

Dear Tsebeen,

I understand that you are not a Christian so it may be difficult for you to translate articles from Russian to Buryad-Mongol.

However you stated on your Userpage that you are a fluent speaker of Khalkha Mongolian. Therefore here is the article written in Khalkha Mongolian:

Исүс Христийн Жинхэнэ Сүм бол 1917 онд БНХАУ-ын Бээжин хотод байгуулагдсан биеэ даасан сүм юм. Өнөөдөр тус сүм нь 6 тивийн 8 орны 48 улсад ойролцоогоор 2.5 сая гишүүнтэй болсон байна. Энэхүү сүм нь 12 дугаар зууны эхээр үндэслэгдсэн Христийн шашны Пентекостал бүлгэмд харьяалагддаг юм. Мөн тус сүм нь 1949 онд Хятадын засгийн эрхийг Коммунистууд авахаас өмнө оршиж байсан уугуул 3 сүмийн нэг юм. Түүний зорилго нь Исүс Христийг 2 дахь удаагаа эргэн залрахаас өмнө бүх үндэстэнд бурханы номлолыг хүргэхэд оршино. Сүмийн арван номлол
  1. Ариун сүнс
  2. Усан баптизм
  3. Хөл угаах ёслол
  4. Ариун нэгдэл
  5. Саббатын өдөр
  6. Есүс Христ
  7. Библи
  8. Авралыг
  9. Бидний Эзэн Есүс Христ
  10. Дэлхийн төгсгөл ирэхэд

You do not necessarily need to be a Christian in order to help me. Other nationalities such as Sri Lankans, Thais, Laos, Cambodians, Burmese, Tibetans, Bhutanese and Khalkha Mongols are Buddhists and were still able to help me translate the article.

I am not asking for a perfect professional translation. A rough translation into Buryad-Mongol would be fine. Just try your best effort. please. --Jose77 23:24, 12 June 2010 (UTC)

(In return, I can help you improve Buryat Wikipedia as much as I possibly can. I can also help you translate all your favorite articles into the Chinese or Minnan language)

Большое пополнение

[үндэһэн бэшэгые заһабарилха]

Сайн байна уу. Я участник из калмыцкой википедии. Создал здесь такой шаблон {{Өдөр}} - дни календаря и месяцы. Переведите его на бурятский, и сможете сильно пополнить вашу википедию (на 366+12 статей), как я сделал это в калмыцкой. Новые статьи можно делать, например, приблизительно по такой схеме (я сам бурятского не знаю, это навскидку):

'''12 һарын 24''' 358-гэчи григориан литиин өдөр (хэрэв [[нэмэсэн жил]] бол 359-гэчи) байна. [[Шинэ жил]] хүртэл 7 өдрмүүд үлдэлсэн.

== Байдал ==
== Баяр ==
== Төрсөн ==
== Өнгөрсөн ==
{{Өдөр}} {{stub}}
[[en:December 24]] [[ru:24 декабря]]

Huuchin 15:09, 14 June 2010 (UTC)

Translation of interface messages into Buryat-Mongol

[үндэһэн бэшэгые заһабарилха]

Greetings Tsebeen,

I see that the interface messages are still in English.

To translate those 469 most-used system messages into Buryat Mongol, simply follow these steps. --Jose77 22:26, 19 June 2010 (UTC)

Может проведем выборы админа? Например лезгины проводят уже: http://lez.wikipedia.org/wiki/Википедия:Хкягъунар Что бы защиту ставить, удалять страницы, блокировать вандалов и тд нужны права администратора же.--Ontoi (talk) 16:31, 16 April 2012 (UTC)